You’d like to redraw your views every few seconds/minutes e.g. to update relative timestamps (like on
Have a clock object with a pulse
attribute in your application which
increments using a timed interval. You want to let view(s) bind values to be
refreshed when the pulse
attribute increments.
The clock object can be used to create new instances for binding to new views generated within the application, like a list of comments.
ClockService object
This ClockService
is an example of an object that may come from a library.
And, is injected into the application via an initializer.
During initialization the tick
method is called which uses
with a time of 250 milliseconds as the interval. A property is set at the end
of the interval. Since the tick
method observes the incremented property
another interval is triggered each time the property increases.
var ClockService = Ember.Object.extend({
pulse: Ember.computed.oneWay('_seconds').readOnly(),
tick: function () {
var clock = this; () {
var seconds = clock.get('_seconds');
if (typeof seconds === 'number') {
clock.set('_seconds', seconds + (1/4));
}, 250);
_seconds: 0,
Binding to the pulse
In this recipe, an application initializer is used to inject an instance of the
object, setting a controller’s clock
property to this instance.
name: 'clockServiceInitializer',
initialize: function(container, application) {
container.register('clock:service', ClockService);
application.inject('controller:interval', 'clock', 'clock:service');
The controller can set any computed properties based on the pulse
property of
the injected clock
In this case the seconds
property is bound to the pulse
property of the
controller’s clock
. The property clock.pulse
was injected during
The controller has (session) data to display seconds
to visitors, as well as
a handful of properties used as conditions in the Handlebars template.
App.IntervalController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
secondsBinding: 'clock.pulse',
fullSecond: function () {
return (this.get('seconds') % 1 === 0);
quarterSecond: function () {
return (this.get('seconds') % 1 === 1/4);
halfSecond: function () {
return (this.get('seconds') % 1 === 1/2);
threeQuarterSecond: function () {
return (this.get('seconds') % 1 === 3/4);
A controller for a list of comments, each comment will have a new clock
instance when added to the list. The comment item controller sets up
the seconds
binding, used by the template to show the time since the
comment was created.
App.CommentItemController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
seconds: Ember.computed.oneWay('clock.pulse').readOnly()
App.CommentsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
itemController: 'commentItem',
comment: null,
actions: {
add: function () {
comment: this.get('comment'),
clock: ClockService.create()
this.set('comment', null);
Handlebars template which displays the pulse
The seconds
value is computed from the pulse
attribute. And the controller
has a few properties to select a component to render, fullSecond
, halfSecond
, threeQuarterSecond
{{#if fullSecond}}
{{#if quarterSecond}}
{{#if halfSecond}}
{{#if threeQuarterSecond}}
<h3>You've nyaned for {{digital-clock seconds}} (h:m:s)</h3>
{{render 'comments'}}
A template for a list of comments
<form {{action "add" on="submit"}}>
{{input value=comment}}
<button>Add Comment</button>
{{#each item in this}}
<li>{{item.comment}} ({{digital-clock item.seconds}})</li>
Handlebars helper to format the clock display (h:m:s)
This helper is used in the template like so {{digital-clock seconds}}
is the property of the controller that will be displayed (h:m:s).
Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper('digital-clock', function(seconds) {
var h = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
var m = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60);
var s = Math.floor(seconds % 60);
var addZero = function (number) {
return (number < 10) ? '0' + number : '' + number;
var formatHMS = function(h, m, s) {
if (h > 0) {
return '%@:%@:%@'.fmt(h, addZero(m), addZero(s));
return '%@:%@'.fmt(m, addZero(s));
return new Ember.Handlebars.SafeString(formatHMS(h, m, s));
To explore the concept further, try adding a timestamp and updating the clock’s pulse by comparing the current time. This would be needed to update the pulse property when a user puts his/her computer to sleep then reopens their browser after waking.
The source code:
Further reading: